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Sermon icon Courage    God's Heart of Courage 


In March 2025 we begin a new series entitled 'God's heart of courage'

We've spent several months looking at the defensive subject of avoiding spiritual landmines. Its now time to go on the offence and look at the whole subject of courage.

Initially the working title for the series was 'courage in troubled times'. There can be no denying that the times are troubling. But the danger with this title is that it focuses far too much on the difficulties that lie around us. Instead we need to look at an awesome, all powerful and all knowing God who provides us with the courage to not just face but also overcome such times.

Jubilee church is at an important crossroads where we need to begin/continue the important task of rebuilding. A key ingredient to this process is the attribute of courage. To be even more precise - the courage to share Jesus with the world around us. The courage to invite people along to our services and various activities. The courage to offer to pray for people when they share their struggles and difficulties. In exercising this courage we do of course face rejection, indifference or polite discussion that goes nowhere. But if we do not exercise this courage, our church faces a slow and dangerous decline.

So as we look at the subject of courage, we will be looking at key characters through the bible who on their own were really quite wimpish. But when inspired by God & filled with his Spirit became a true force to be reckoned with. It's the same frail humanity & the same powerful God today.