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 Defusing Spiritual Landmines

As Christians seeking to serve God and fulfil the plans and purposes He has for us and to enjoy the fullness of life and freedom that Jesus promises to us, we need to be aware that Satan will do all he can to hinder us as he seeks to prevent us from serving God.
He seeks to do this by creating a major conflict across the landscape of our lives. His intention is to cause us to be fearful and discouraged. He does this, not necessarily by obvious means but by more subtle means with weapons of warfare, barely visible, which lie beneath the surface of our spiritual landscape. When we move towards them, like landmines they explode beneath our feet, inflicting heartache, sorrow and brokenness.
The good news is that God gives us the ability to uncover and disarm the spiritual landmines the enemy lays across our path. He has a plan to rescue us from these minefields.
We are called to be alert (1 Peter 5:8) and to freedom (Galatians 5:1). We are also called to know and live in the truth that sets us free and helps us to be victorious over all the schemes of the enemy (John 8: 31-32)
Our hope through this series of preaches will be to expose the landmines so that folk can live free of these entanglements and reach their full potential as children of God!