The covid pandemic brought with it many challenges as we found new ways to do our usual church activities as best we can. One of the concerns of many people is how their finances will be affected and Jubilee Church Shepperton is no exception. Many people give by BACS or Standing Order but we also receive cash donations each week through the collection baskets on Sunday mornings. At the moment we aren’t passing round the collection basket on Sunday mornings but it is available for you to drop your gift in. There are also a variety of other ways you can give to the church.
BACS or Standing Orders
Please email finance@jubileechurchshepperton.org for our bank details if you’d like to send an offering to us by BACS or Standing Order.
Donate Online
Offerings can be sent online via the Stewardship website. Using this link gives the option to send a One off gift or set up a regularly monthly gift. If your donation is for our Bags of Food project either select this from the options or put a note in the details box.

Cheques should be made payable to “Jubilee Church Shepperton” and put in the collection basket on Sunday mornings or posted to the church office.
Cash gifts can be put in the collection basket on Sunday mornings or left at the church office during opening hours. Please leave your gift in an envelope marked for the treasurer, if you’re a tax payer and we can claim Gift Aid on your donation please write your name on the envelope.
Gift Aid
If you’re a UK Tax Payer please consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form to enable us to claim an extra 25% on your donation at no extra cost to you! Email finance@jubileechurchshepperton.org for a form.
Bags of Food
If your donation is for our Bags of Food project please note this on any donations.
We also realise that people’s own financial circumstances could be affected both now and in the coming months, and completely understand that you may need to consider reducing your regular giving. Please email finance@jubileechurchshepperton.org to let us know if you need to make any changes or if you have any questions about giving to Jubilee Church Shepperton.