Discipleship at Jubilee Church
Jesus told us to “go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Becoming a disciple of Jesus
So you want to be a disciple! Or you want to help others become disciples. Great! We want to help you with that. First of all - let's be clear about what a disciple of Jesus is.
What is a disciple of Jesus?
It is someone like you who 'wants to imitate Jesus, carry on his work, and become like him in the process.'
In the introduction to the book 'Multiply', which is all about how to become a disciple and had to help someone do that, Francis Chan says:
From the beginning of Christianity, the natural overflow of being a disciple of Jesus has always been to make disciples of Jesus. "Follow me", Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). This was a promise - Jesus would take his disciples and turn them into disciple makers. And this was his command - he called each of his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them and teaching them to obey him (Matthew 28:19-20). From the start, God's design has been for every single disciple of Jesus to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples until the gospel spreads to all peoples.
Becoming a disciple
You can become a disciple, i.e. more like Jesus, in all sorts of ways - reading the bible and doing what it says, listening to talks in church and online, reading books, praying, and just hanging out with other Christians. But it is best to be purposeful about it. And one way to be purposeful is to ask another Christian to help you with it - someone you can respect and feel is able to lead you well. This is a one-to-one approach that is really effective and can lead to lasting friendships.
Another way is to seek out a small group of others who want to join you on the journey, and find a leader who can guide you as you go.
We have lots of people in Jubilee in one-to-one discipleship relationships. After we run Alpha courses we run discipleship groups. And some small discipleship groups run all the time. Just talk to one of our leaders to find out what opportunities there are. We'll help you figure out what's right for you.
Discipleship books and material
There are some brilliant books and study guides that can help you in whatever stage of your Christian life you are at. For instance, have a look at these books below.
'Multiply' - by Francis Chan.
This book is designed to help a leader guide somebody to become a disciple and to be able to disciple somebody else. This person can then take the book and do the same.
Mulitply - Canaan Bookshop Multiply - Amazon
'Discipleship' - by David Watson.
It has been said that this is probably the most important and comprehensive book David Watson as ever written. J I Packer says 'You will find breathtaking bible based simplicity on every page of this book.'
Discipleship - Canaan Bookshop Discipleship - Amazon
For new believers
'Beginning the Journey' - by Ralph Neighbour and Jim Egli, 2010
5 group studies for new believers. This is the manual we use with those who have done the Alpha course with us.
Beginning the Journey - Amazon
'Foundations' - by John Groves (a New Frontiers leader), 2008
7 group studies for new believers, to introduce the essentials of Christian living.
Foundations - Canaan Bookshop Foundations - Amazon
'Discipleship Explored' - by Barry Cooper, 2012
For group study with new believers, based on the book of Philippians.
There is a manual, a leaders guide and a DVD.
Discipleship Explored - Canaan Bookshop Discipleship Explored - Amazon
For help on the journey

‘Good Book Guide’ bible study series
Studies for individuals or groups
There are many booklets in this series covering all aspects of the Christian life. Examples here are ‘Ruth - poverty and plenty’ and ‘1 Peter - Living in the real world’. click here for a full list

‘LifeBuilder Bible Study’ series
Studies for individuals or groups.
There are many booklets in this series from the Scripture Union. They cover all aspects of the Christian life. Canaan bookshop has book stands full of them. Examples here are ‘Worship’ and ‘Nehemiah - the courage to face opposition’. click here for more on the LifeBuilder bible study series
Looking at the names and character of God
'Incomparable' - by Andrew Wilson, 2007
Explorations in the character of God. Short 2 or 3 page examinations of 60 names and descriptions of our one true God.
Incomparable - Canaan Bookshop Incomparable - Good Reads
'Hallowed be thy names' - by David Wilkerson - 2001
Revelation of God through his names.
11 meaty chapters that can be studies alone, 1-2-1 or as a group. Deep and impacting.
Hallowed be thy names - Canaan Bookshop Hallowed be thy names - Good Reads
Book series on the books of the Bible that give insights for everyday living
Phil Moores’s ‘Straight to the heart of …’ series.
Phil Moore covers all the books of the New Testament with this series. We’ve used the series a lot in our men’s breakfasts. They're great for individual reading and thinking, and great to read and chat through in groups. One chapter can be read and discussed and prayed through in half an hour.
click here to find out about more on Phil Moore's series
Tom Wright’s ‘… for Everyone’ series
As above, Tom Wright has written a book for each of the New Testament books. They're brilliant for individual reading and thinking, and great to read and chat through in groups. One chapter can be read and discussed and prayed through in half an hour.
'for Everyone' series - Eden Books
Books that explore key aspects of the Christian life
There are many of these, and a lot of them have study guides at the back for group or individual study.
Examples we recommend are:
‘Keep your love on’ - by Danny Silk.
This looks at how we communicate and connect.
Keep your love on - Canaan Bookshop Keep your love on - Eden Books
‘Becoming a true spiritual community’ - by Larry Crabb.
This book explores the spiritual and unspiritual passions that promote and hinder growth of loving, spiritual community, and how transformation happens.
Becoming a true spiritual community - Canaan Bookshop Becoming a true spiritual community - Good Reads
‘The measure of a man’ - by Gene Getz.
A book about being a Christian man.
The measure of a man - Canaan Bookshop The measure of a man - Good Reads
There are plenty more in the Canaan bookshop in Staines - take a visit.
121 High Street, Staines TW18 4PD www.canaanbookshop.co.uk