Sunday Morning Worship
Services begin at 10:30am each Sunday. Our worship time is informal and contemporary, with words to the songs appearing on a screen at the front. Please feel free to sit, stand or move around, there are no rules!
After worship, notices and updates help keep us in touch with what's going on in the life of the church. Towards the end of the service there may be a time for ministry, prayer or specific response following the sermon.
We regularly share Communion together.
Our Welcome Team are on hand to help; please ask if there's anything we can do to make you feel comfortable. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We'd love to help you to feel at ease especially if it's your first visit to us.
Preaching Series

Defusing Landmines
As Christians seeking to serve God and fulfil the plans and purposes He has for us and to enjoy the fullness of life and freedom that Jesus promises to us, we need to be aware that Satan will do all he can to hinder us as he seeks to prevent us from serving God.
He seeks to do this by creating a major conflict across the landscape of our lives. His intention is to cause us to be fearful and discouraged. He does this, not necessarily by obvious means but by more subtle means with weapons of warfare, barely visible, which lie beneath the surface of our spiritual landscape. When we move towards them, like landmines they explode beneath our feet, inflicting heartache, sorrow and brokenness.
The good news is that God gives us the ability to uncover and disarm the spiritual landmines the enemy lays across our path. He has a plan to rescue us from these minefields.
We are called to be alert (1 Peter 5:8) and to freedom (Galatians 5:1). We are also called to know and live in the truth that sets us free and helps us to be victorious over all the schemes of the enemy (John 8: 31-32)
Our hope through this series of preaches will be to expose the landmines so that folk can live free of these entanglements and reach their full potential as children of God!
Sunday Morning Sermons
Our sermons are by a variety of preachers including elders of the church, other church members with a preaching / prophetic gift, and guest speakers. Our sermons are recorded and are available to listen to or to download.
Our Sunday and worship videos from March 2020 to July 2021 are available to watch via our YouTube Channel Jubilee Church Shepperton. The audio can also be download from the 'Sermon and Media' page CLICK HERE
Jubilee Kids
Jubilee Kids meet in the lounge on Sunday mornings. Get in touch with Jo if you would like more details. To find out more please visit the Jubilee Kids webpage.
We are very excited about a new project that we are running on the first and third Sunday Mornings of the month. Ruth and Reni who are both gifted musicians are equipping our youth to lead the church in worship. The youth go out during the main meeting to practice and we look forward to them leading our worship for the first time in a few weeks. If you are in school years 7-13 and would like to find out more and join us email Ruth or Reni via the office.
Monday Evening Prayer Meeting
All are invited to join us for a time of prayer and reflection between 7:30 and 8:30pm. We vary between meeting in person and on Zoom so check the news sheet or contact us here for details if you'd like to join.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, please email info@jubileechurchshepperton.org or contact us here.