Logos & Rhema Bible Study
Open to everyone, Logos & Rhema is an informal bible study group, for those who want to delve into the bible in greater detail - and of course apply it personally.
The terms Logos & Rhema are used in the original New Testament Greek which translates as both meaning 'The Word'.
Logos refers to the written word, ie. the words we read in the bible, the word of God written in the past for our instruction.
Rhema is the term used to describe Gods word spoken to us personally in the here and now! How many times have you felt God speaking to you, Gods holy spirit nudging you, that is Rhema.
We want to receive God's word and it be both Logos and Rhema, we want God to speak to us through his written word (the bible) and his spoken word (through his holy spirit). So we invite all to come along to Logos and Rhema on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in the Jubilee church lounge at 7:30-9:00pm.
The study is led, but discussion and input is definitely encouraged, as we believe we can all help each other to greater understanding of this wonderful book, and have much to share about God's word into our lives.